2. Tickets

There are currently two types of tickets:

  • Activity
  • Mitigation

Activities are ad hoc ways for users to save information. An activity can have any number of topics associated with it, and users can create topics and add them to an activity.

Mitigation tickets are more structured in that a user can create one by making the appropriate api call and supplying a list of IPs, but the system automatically creates all associated topics, which have specific purposes in a mitigation activity.

2.1. General ticket structure

A ticket is described

  • A Redis key/value pair where the value is a 1-level hash
  • Zero or more associated “topi”

2.2. Topics

A topic is always associated with a parent ticket. The parent key can be derived from the topic key.

When a topic is added to a ticket, its key is added to the set of topic keys owned by the ticket (parent).

Topics are stored in redis as follows:

Topic storage
Data Key Value
Metadata Topic metadata key (hash) JSON metadata

We currently restrict the metadata saved for a topic. We do not allow user-defined metadata. Should we change this behavior?

Metadata provided by calling method

  datatype: (required) 'set' or 'string'
  name: (required) name of topic
  description: (optional) description of topic (default - '')
  createdTime: Unix epoch time when topic is created
  modifiedTime: Unix epoch time when topic modified
  num: Topic counter: (via topicCounterKey) - used to ensure uniqueness